Seibukan Budo [SBIF] grants the following certifications for technical levels and mastery:
· 1st Dan - Shodan · 初段
Individuals who have passed an exam and successfully completed the established requirements for each martial art. Must be over 15 years old when promoted to 1st Kyu.
· 2nd Dan - Nidan · 二段
Same as above. More than a year and a half after the promotion to shodan (1st Dan).
· 3rd Dan - Sandan · 三段
Same as above. More than two years after the promotion to nidan (2nd Dan).
· 4th Dan - Yondan · 四段
Same as above. More than three years after the promotion to sandan (3rd Dan).
· 5th Dan - Godan · 五段
Same as above. More than four years after the promotion to yondan (4th Dan).
· 6th Dan - Rokudan · 六段
Same as above. More than five years after the promotion to Renshi.
· 7th Dan - Shichidan · 七段
Same as above. More than six years after the promotion to Rokudan (6th Dan).
· 8th Dan - Hachidan · 八段
Same as above. More than eight years after the promotion to Shichidan (7th Dan).
· 9th Dan - Kudan · 九段
Granted by decision of a Special Board of Examiners.
· 10th Dan - Judan · 十段
Granted by decision of a Special Board of Examiners.
· Renshi · 錬士
"Exterior Mastery." Minimum of two years since the promotion to Yondan (4th Dan).
· Kyoshi · 教士
"Interior Mastery." Minimum of two years since the promotion to Rokudan (6th Dan and 7th Dan).
· Shihan · 师范
The minimum level required is 7th dan and Kyoshi. The term means "role model," chief instructor, master of masters.
· Hanshi · 範士
"Exterior and Interior Mastery." Outstanding service in the development of the Martial Art. Minimum age, 50 years. Minimum rank, Hachidan (8th Dan). An individual of outstanding character and proven leadership credentials.
1. At the time of undergoing the exam (1), homologation (2), or validation - credit transfer (3) for a rank, applicants must meet the age requirements specified in this regulation, with no possibility of requesting any reduction in this timeframe (4):
- 1st DAN: 16 years old and 1 year of brown belt.
- 2nd DAN: 18 years old and 2 years of 1st DAN.
- 3rd DAN: 21 years old and 3 years of 2nd DAN.
- 4th DAN: 25 years old and 4 years of 3rd DAN.
- 5th DAN: 30 years old and 5 years of 4th DAN.
- 6th DAN: 36 years old and 6 years of 5th DAN.
- 7th DAN: 43 years old and 7 years of 6th DAN.
- 8th DAN: 51 years old and 8 years of 7th DAN.
- 9th DAN: 60 years old and 9 years of 8th DAN.
- 10th DAN: 70 years old and 10 years of 9th DAN.
2. Applicants must meet the specified membership duration outlined in this regulation. To demonstrate these years of membership, candidates for an exam/validation/credit transfer of their rank must submit photocopies of licenses issued by Seibukan Budo [SBIF], proving the years of practice and time elapsed at each rank. The most recent license should correspond to the current year:
- 1st DAN: 2 consecutive licenses or 3 alternate ones.
- 2nd DAN: 2 consecutive licenses or 3 alternate ones from 1st DAN.
- 3rd DAN: 3 consecutive licenses or 4 alternate ones from 2nd DAN.
- 4th DAN: 4 consecutive licenses or 5 alternate ones from 3rd DAN.
- 5th DAN: 5 consecutive licenses or 6 alternate ones from 4th DAN. 14 years of practice since obtaining 1st DAN.
- 6th DAN: 6 consecutive licenses or 7 alternate ones from 5th DAN. 20 years of continuous practice since obtaining 1st DAN.
- 7th DAN: 7 consecutive licenses or 8 alternate ones from 6th DAN. 27 years of continuous practice since obtaining 1st DAN.
- 8th DAN: 8 consecutive licenses or 9 alternate ones from 7th DAN. 35 years of continuous practice since obtaining 1st DAN.
- 9th DAN: 9 consecutive licenses or 10 alternate ones from 8th DAN. 44 years of continuous practice since obtaining 1st DAN.
- 10th DAN: 10 licenses or 11 alternate ones from 9th DAN. 54 years of continuous practice since obtaining 1st DAN.
3. Honorary mastery certifications - Renshi, Kyoshi, Shihan and Hanshi are granted free of charge and not homologated to SBIF members as a way to promote their excellence, encourage participation, disseminate the federation's goals, and as recognition of their years of practice and teaching of martial arts.
Renshi · 錬士
With official certification for teaching - Level I (elementary). 10 years as an accredited teacher. It is granted by a tribunal composed of 3 individuals with a rank of 6th Dan or higher.
Kyoshi · 教士
With official certification for coaching - Level II (advanced). 15 years as an accredited teacher. It is granted by a tribunal composed of 3 individuals with a rank of 7th Dan or higher.
Shihan · 师范
15 years as an accredited teacher and having accreditedly certified more than 25 "black belts." It is granted by a tribunal composed of 3 individuals with a rank of 7th Dan or higher.
Hanshi · 範士
With official certification for teaching - Level III (mastery). 25 years as an accredited teacher. It is granted by a tribunal composed of 3 individuals with a rank of 8th Dan or higher. A person of outstanding character and proven leadership credentials.
4. The different accreditations of Seibukan Budo [SBIF] have a delivery period of 2 months (January, April and July). Up to 14 days after making the payment for any course and/or accreditation, the interested party can request a refund of the payment made, for any reason and without the need for justification.
5. According to the regulation, the different certifications are granted by the Director of Seibukan Budo [SBIF] through a proposal submitted by the designated representative in each country. Any certification may be revoked if the individual in question fails to comply with the guidelines established in these regulations.
6. The postal shipment of the different accreditations has shipping costs depending on the destination and the weight of the package. Shipping costs are not included. The shipment is certified and includes a tracking number.
The granting of any type of Seibukan Budo [SBIF] certification is always upon recommendation of a National Director - representative.
(1) With an examination board validated by Seibukan Budo [SBIF].
(2) Homologation: implies the declaration of equivalence of a national or foreign martial arts diploma with that granted by Seibukan Budo [SBIF].
(3) Validation - Credit Transfer: implies the declaration of equivalence of a national or foreign martial arts diploma with that granted by Seibukan Budo [SBIF] for the purpose of continuing martial arts training.
(4) 9th and 10th dan certifications are granted in a special and specific event created for this purpose.
Some of your questions can be answered in the following FAQ link
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