Technical Method of Nihon Tanbojutsu

Tanbojutsu is taught according to three existing training methods:

1. Traditional techniques originating from ancient Japanese schools, Nihon Kobudo Tanbojutsu.

2. Applied techniques from the Japanese police self-defense method, Nihon Taiho Jutsu, using the Tanbo as an auxiliary police weapon, Keibo Soho

In this training method, the technique with the Japanese extendable police baton, Tokushu Keibo, is taught.

3. Self-defense techniques using the Tanbo and other everyday objects (pen, keys, bottle, etc.), Tanbo Goshinjutsu.

The technical conten block of Tanbojutsu is divided into:

1. Fundamental Movements, Kihon Dosa (8 series).

2. Fundamental Techniques, Kihon Waza (12 series):

SERIES 1: NIGIRI WAZA: Gripping techniques.
SERIES 2: UCHI WAZA: Indirect striking techniques.
SERIES 3: TSUKI WAZA: Direct striking techniques.
SERIES 4: FURI WAZA: Rotational movement techniques.
SERIES 5: UKE WAZA: Defensive techniques.
SERIES 6: GAKE WAZA: Hook techniques.
SERIES 7: DASHI WAZA: Pushing techniques.
SERIES 8: HANTACHI WAZA: Kneeling techniques.
SERIES 9: KANSETSU WAZA: Joint lock techniques.
SERIES 10: SHIME WAZA: Strangulation techniques.
SERIES 11: NAGE WAZA: Throwing techniques.
SERIES 12: ATSU WAZA: Pressure techniques.

3. Defense techniques against various grips, Tanbojutsu no Renraku Waza:

- Escapes from the opponent's grips on the Tanbo, Tanbo Dori.

- Escapes from wrist or forearm grips by the opponent, Kote Dori.

- Escapes from lapel grips of the keikogi by the opponent, Mune Dori.

4. Pre-structured forms of attack-defense, Kata.

5. Free practice, Randori.

6. Study of vulnerable points and first aid, Kyusho/Kappo Waza.

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