Branch Country Regulations

1. In each country, there is only one National Director - Representative (Branch Director) whose role, temporarily, is to represent the objectives, content, and procedures established by the International Board of Directors (IBD) of Seibukan Budo [SBIF]. 

2. The Branch Director will create an independent national organization (Branch Country) in accordance with the legislation of their country. This organization, in agreement with the objectives, content, and procedures established by the SBIF leadership, is sovereign and independent in decision-making for internal organization, promotion, dissemination, teaching, and evaluation to fulfill these objectives.

3. Each Branch Director can choose the necessary Department Directors and/or Chief Examiner and/or Regional Directors to meet the objectives, content, and procedures established by the SBIF leadership.

4. The Branch Director, Regional Director, and Department Director in each country must have the following qualifications:

   - Certified in martial arts with a level of 5th dan or higher (Branch Director) and 4th dan (Department Director and/or Regional Director).

   - Ability to communicate in Spanish - official language -, English, or French (Branch Director). In Japan, communication with teachers and in classes is conducted in Japanese, not in English.

5. For the conduct of exams, each Branch Country must have a validly constituted examination board. This board will be composed of a Chief Examiner and 3 other examiners. Each Chief Examiner will be certified by SBIF, and their role will be to coordinate and supervise all exams convened by the Branch Director in their country.

6. The positions of Director (national, regional, department) and Chief Examiner have a term of one year, renewable. The position of Branch Director and Chief Examiner can be held by the same person.

7. Branch Directors cannot make regulations or directives different from those established by SBIF, charge additional fees, or issue certifications on behalf of Seibukan Budo [SBIF]. In the event that a Director acts inappropriately, they will be dismissed and/or expelled from Seibukan Budo according to the internal regulations.

8. All inquiries and requests from regional and department directors, as well as members of a country, must be made to the Branch Director, who will transmit them to the SBIF leadership if deemed necessary.

9. Each Branch Country is authorized to hold congresses, seminars, demonstrations, and exams, preferably in cooperation with other member countries and under the guidance of SBIF leadership.

10. Seibukan Budo is a registered trademark according to International Law. After the appointment of a person as the Branch Director - Representative of SBIF, they will be authorized, in writing, to use the name Seibukan Budo in their national organization, on diplomas, seals, and advertising materials. Once the period of their appointment is completed, the use of the trademark and associated privileges is not authorized.

Some of your questions can be answered in the following FAQ link

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