Expanded CV of education/experience

Ricardo Sanz Orús certified at the Butokuden in Kyoto by Kawano Yashuo, President of Seibukan Academy of Japan


Granted by the Spanish and Madrid Federations of Wrestling (Official Federations in Spain):

- Master, 8th dan, of Nihon Jujutsu - Taijutsu.

- Master, 7th dan, of Yoseikan Aiki (Aikido Yoseikan).

- Master, 7th dan, of Nihon Kobudo.

Certifications from japanese martial arts schools:

- 6th dan, Aikibudo (Daito ryu).

- 5th dan, Iaido (Muso Jikiden Eishin ryu and Toyama ryu).

- 5th dan, Jodo (Shinto Muso ryu).

- 5th dan, Judo - Jujutsu (Danzan ryu).

- 5th dan, Karatedo (Goju ryu).

- Shihan / Menkyo: Asayama Ichiden ryu, Hyoho Niten Ichi ryu, Shinto Tenshin ryu.

- Renshi: Iaido and Aikido / Shihan: Aikibudo / Hanshi: Nihon Jujutsu.

Other representative certifications:

- National Specialist Master, 8th dan, in Nihon Taihojutsu. Arrest techniques and auxiliary police weapons / Operational protocols for Personal Protection. (Spanish Federation of Nihon Jujutsu - Goshinjutsu, 2022).

- Honorary Japanese teaching certifications of Renshi, Kyoshi, Shihan and Hanshi (Spanish Association of Nihon Taijutsu and different traditional japanese martial arts schools, koryu).

- Instructor V Degree of Police Forces - Close Protection of Personalities. (International Federation of Nihon Taijutsu / Jujutsu and Associated Disciplines, 2004).

- Specialist in Personal Protection Defense - Superior Level. (Madrid Wrestling Federation, 2003).

- Certified by the French Federation of Martial Arts Schools (FFEAM), 1st dan in Aikijutsu. Certified by the International Federation of Nihon Taijutsu / Jujutsu - Taijutsu and D.A. (FINTJ), the Spanish Association of Nihon Taijutsu (AENTJ), and master Roland Hernaez, 5th dan of Nihon Taijutsu, 5th dan of Nihon Jujutsu, 5th dan of Aiki Jujutsu, 5th dan of Nihon Kobudo, and 5th dan of Tanbojutsu.

- Certified by the Yoseikan World Federation (YWF), the Spanish Association of Yoseikan Budo (AEYB), the Spanish Association of Aikido Yoseikan (AEAY), and masters Minoru Mochizuki and Hiroo Mochizuki, 5th dan of Yoseikan Aiki, 5th dan of Yoseikan Goshinjutsu, 5th dan of Yoseikan Kempo, 5th dan of Yoseikan Iai, and official representative of Yoseikan.

- Various continuing education certifications from over 20 trips and courses in Japan in Jujutsu, Aikido, and Kobudo since 1992.


- Rapid Sport, Zaragoza (2005 - present): Nihon Taijutsu Self Defense / Nihon Jujutsu teacher.

- San Agustín Sports Center, Zaragoza (2004 - 2006): Nihon Taijutsu Self Defense / Nihon Jujutsu and Nihon Kobudo Teacher.

- Olympic Sports Center, Zaragoza (1993 - 2004): Nihon Taijutsu Self Defense / Nihon Jujutsu and Nihon Kobudo Teacher.

- Our Lady of Carmen School, Zaragoza (1986 - 2004): Judo - Jujutsu Teacher.

National courses taught in: Seville (1992), Valencia (1993), Madrid (1997, 2006, 2010, from 2012 to 2020), Barcelona (2002 and 2008), and San Sebastian (1994 - 1998).

International courses taught in: France (1991, 1992, 2003, and 2004), Portugal (1996 and 2000), Dominican Republic and Panama (1999 and 2001), Cuba (2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2006), Morocco (2005), Costa Rica (2005), and Switzerland (2023).

Introduced Nihon Taijutsu / Jujutsu and Kobudo martial arts in Aragon, Spain, in 1994 (Aragon Judo Federation), in Portugal (Portuguese Association of Nihon Taijutsu) in 1995, in Panama (Association of Nihon Taijutsu of Panama) and the Dominican Republic in 1999 and 2001, in Cuba in 2001 (Cuban Academy of Nihon Taijutsu), in Costa Rica in 2020 (Jujutsu Federation of Costa Rica) and Switzerland in 2023 (Wadosen ryu).


- 2023 - present: Technical Director of Nihon Taijutsu / Nihon Jujutsu of International Seibukan Budo Federation [SBIF] based in Neuchâtel, Switzerland. 

- 2007 - present: Technical Director of the Spanish Association of Nihon Taijutsu - Self Defense (AENTJ) based in Zaragoza, Spain.

- 2002 - 2006: Technical Director of the Federation of Nihon Taijutsu, Jujutsu and Kobudo in Aragón, Spain.

- 1994 - 2002: Technical Director of the Nihon Taijutsu department at the Judo Federation in Aragón, Spain.


- 2018: Commemorative events of Aikibudo: Taijutsu / Kobudo: Hyoho Niten Ichi ryu on the 150th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Spain approved by the Embassy of Japan in Spain.

- 2014: Gold Medal of Nihon Taijutsu for Sports Merit from the Spanish Association of Nihon Taijutsu in recognition of "dedicating time and effort to introduce this martial art in our city and beyond (...)".

- Recognition from the Japanese Ambassador in Spain, Satoru Shato, "in the planning and execution of the event (Nihon Taijutsu: self defense for all) for the 2014 Spain-Japan Dual Year commemorating the 400th anniversary of bilateral relations."

- 2013: Silver Medal of Aikido for Sports Merit from the Spanish Association of Aikido Yoseikan in recognition "for the introduction and development of Aikido jujutsu Yoseikan (...)".

The Kodenkan Martial Arts School  - currently Seibukan Budo - and the Spanish Association of Nihon Taijutsu are accredited and registered with the All Japan Budo Federation and Seibukan Academy in Kyoto.

- 2012: Tribute Plaque from the Kodenkan Budo school  for the "25th Anniversary as a martial arts teacher and Kaicho, president - founder of the school of traditional Japanese martial arts".

- 1997: Tribute Plaque from the Royal Spanish Judo Federation for the "20th Anniversary of Nihon Taijutsu in Spain".

- 1996 and 2002: "Diploma of Honor" from the International Federation of Nihon Taijutsu / Jujutsu et Disciplines Associées.


· University of Zaragoza - Ministry of the Interior - General Directorate of Police (Spain)

     - Security Director - Security services management (2006).

· International Security & Defense Systems (ISDS Israel)

   - Security - Protection and Security (2009, 2010).

· Ministry of the Interior - General Directorate of Police (Spain)

  - Accredited Teacher - Private Security (2005).

· Ministry of the Interior - General Directorate of Police (Spain)

  - Private Bodyguard - Protection and Security (2005).

· Shimirat Ishim (ISVP Israel)

  - Special Dignitary Protection Service - Protection and Security (1997, 1999).

· École Nationale de Sécurité (France)

  - Close Protection of Personalities - Protection and Security (1992, 1995).

· Yosemite Training Center (United States)

  - Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun Instructor - Firearms and Shooting (1987, 1990, 1993).


Defespol Academy: Protection & Security

·  Training Director (1996 - present).

·  Accredited Teacher by the Ministry of the Interior - General Directorate of Police in:

  - Protection and Security.

  - Technical-Professional Area.

  - Physical Training.

  - First Aid.

  - Self Defense

  - Specific training courses.

Courses for Private Security Personnel at Official Training Centers in Madrid and Zaragoza: DIDS, Avalón, FESP, Lesma, SEPA, etc. Security companies: Prosegur, Serramar, Segur Ibérica, C5, Consegur, private detective agencies, etc.

Courses for members of different units of the State Security Forces and Army: VM - Military Police, Special Operations, National Police Corps, UIP, Local Police of Jaca and Zaragoza, Combat Divers of the Army, Rural Anti Terrorist Group - GAR, Rural Security Group - GRS, Military Intelligence, etc.

Official courses taught:

- Private Bodyguard (2006 - 2011 and 2015 - present).

- Private Bodyguard Update (2006 - 2011 and 2015 - present).

- Shooting Instructor (2006 - 2011 and 2015 - present).

Specialization courses taught:

- Close Combat Course (1989 - 1993).

- Police Self Defense (1996, 1998, 2000, 2002).

- Auxiliary police weapons (1996, 2001, 2005, and 2015 to 2018).

- Self Defense and protection of individuals (2000, 2001, 2002).

- Organization, direction, and inspection of personnel and security services (2003).

- Close combat in the aquatic environment (2002, 2003, and 2004).

- Military Close Combat Instructor Course (2003, 2007, 2009, and 2011).

- Instructor Course in Self Defense in Police Intervention (2003, 2007, 2009, and 2011).

- Advanced course in Self Defense and protection of individuals (2004, 2006, 2008).

- Taijutsu - Self defense / Taihojutsu - Police Self defense (2007 - present).

- Basic and advanced courses in Protection Executive - Intervention Techniques and Procedures of Bodyguard (2005, 2006, and 2009 / 2015 to 2018).

- Private Bodyguard Specialist Course in gender violence (2007).

- Security and protection at conferences and exhibitions (2008, 2010).

- Operational Protection of Personalities - Israeli system (2009, 2010, 2011).

- Intelligence gathering in high-risk areas (2009, 2010, 2015).

- Maritime special protection course - Israeli system "Securing the sea, combating piracy" (2010, 2013).

- Security Director (2006 to 2010 and 2015 to 2019).

DIDS: International Defense & Security

- Director of Operations & Training Scc. (1990 - 2011).


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